Join us this coming Wednesday, Nov. 18 by Zoom, for an opportunity to hear and ask questions about the multi-use project and enhancements planned for the Briarcliff-Clairmont Intersection, as well as the updated Small Area Plan (SAP) for the area. The SAP describes, as an overall vision for the Briarcliff-Clairmont Activity Center, "an integrated, walkable community that serves as the neighborhood activity center for the surrounding neighborhoods.”
We have invited a representative from the owner, Stein Investment Group, to present Wednesday evening to interested area residents on the planned improvements and to answer any questions residents have.
The link to join is:
As described by Commissioner Rader, the SAP was developed in collaboration with local property owners, neighborhood leaders, the DeKalb County Planning and Sustainability Department, and "includes all four quadrants of the Clairmont Road at Briarcliff Road intersection and the adjoining commercial and multifamily development. The Small Area Plan was designed to provide an updated needs assessment and vision for the Activity Center, to identify more specific growth management and development strategies, and to adequately evaluate proposed changes within the Activity Center." The Board of Commissioners will be considering adoption of the SAP at its meeting on Thursday, November 19.
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Our Wednesday Zoom will be an informational and informal presentation and Q&A session for any area residents who would like to know more about an important development in the area. Please join us -- we will look forward to seeing you then!
Here's the complete Zoom information:
Topic: Community Zoom on Proposed Briarcliff-Clairmont SAP
Time: Nov 18, 2020 07:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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